The plant, more typically known as a rain lily, was blooming on a vacant lot surrounded by four bungalows, all of them boarded up.
As Jack climbed the stairs to the station's platform, he had an unobstructed view of a vacant lot surrounded by a chain-link fence.
It sits on a vacant lot surrounded by houses.
The house, for example, is located in a large lot, surrounded by presumptious landscaping.
The town cemetery is a well-maintained lot surrounded by a silence more hushed than in any cathedral.
Almost directly across the street was an empty lot, surrounded by a fence.
Just half a block from the House of Justice is an empty lot surrounded by a wooden construction barrier.
Shade, charm, and privacy are the neighborhood selling points, each little lot surrounded by a piece of the sprawling jungle.
It was in the center of the village on a large green lot surrounded by the Richmond-Lynchburg stage road.
The house sat in the middle of the large lot, surrounded by my father's rose beds.