I tell them about what went on in the meeting as we pile into the car and Tom starts the loud, throbbing engine.
Years of exposure to loud engines and age-related hearing problems left Walker with hearing loss in both ears.
Why would people need such big, loud engines?
Less popular, but more affordable, are sport bikes, with their loud engines and zippy handling, and standard bikes, which straddle the middle in size and power.
Rat stood near the group of fast inflatable boats idling at the end of the pier, yelling instructions over the loud engines.
Soon Hunter could hear the roar of a loud, powerful engine coming toward them.
He hears the loud engine as she flies away, flying down the highway.
The loud engine, the road slippery with dust.
Soon there was only the sound of the old man's ragged breathing under the rumble of the engine, loud and trembling in the midday air.
A second later the pair of Lynx began dropping out of the sky, their already loud engines roaring up to full attack power at a deafening pace.