Gren jumped up, silencing the loud protestations of the tummy-belly men.
In the end, with loud protestations that he could lose like a gentleman, the cook's last money was staked on the game - and lost.
In Padua he threw the ball at an opponent's head, while in L'Aquila he was warned by the referee for his loud protestations.
Despite the loud protestations to the contrary, the proposed reform would not harm the Red Cross, the Girl Scouts or the American Heart Association.
Ali Hassan burst into loud protestations, which did not end until Abdullah started toward him with his fist clenched.
She was more appealing and spontaneous when, responding to loud protestations of love from the fans, she admonished, "Don't strain yourself."
She carried him down, and then hurried with loud protestations to the youth's father.
But none of the palace functionaries, for all their loud protestations of loyalty to Sharbaraz, admitted to knowing where Smerdis was.
If these can't kill it or force its renegotiation, they open the door for later "reinterpretation" amid loud protestations that the other side has been cheating.
Yet the toy prattled on about how good the imaginary sauce smelled, despite the child's loud protestations that she was pursuing a more creative culinary vision.