Consequently, the authors tend to praise loudly and reprove gently, if at all.
He's terrifically good company and even iconoclastic as when, during the war, he loudly praises Adolf Hitler at the expense of Winston Churchill, much to the embarrassment of both Charlie and his mum.
Athelny, eating hungrily, praised loudly all he ate.
Fétis loudly praised his Messe solennelle, which Benoit composed in Brussels on his return from Germany.
John Kundla was uncertain that his coaching credo - "Praise loudly, blame softly" - would have any effect in today's world of pro basketball.
While there was always one course or another praised loudly around the table, the food was inconsistent.
They are very glad for what they hear, and loudly praise his courtesy, and after escorting him a long distance, they all commend him to God.
I read the sign on the wall: Praise loudly, blame softly.
They sat round in the kitchen drinking his health and loudly praising him.
I jumped up, praising the aintellect loudly to reinforce it so that if anything like this ever happened again, it would do exactly the same thing.