Previous Was Mir's performance lousy?
Brown does not deserve all the blame for the Giants' disappointing season, including their lousy performance against the Eagles.
This may help to explain why so many cellular companies have such lousy performance when dealing with real network load, but have fantastic performance downloading a test file or whatnot.
The Storm opened their season with a lousy performance March 2 against their rivals the Orlando Predators.
Previous Jackson takes main event in a decision at UFC 130 Was Mir's performance lousy?
Three years of lousy performance, followed by two months of good but not great job growth, is not a record to be proud of.
Sears decided to unleash these businesses because the merchandising group's lousy performance caused the market to devalue them.
Then I tried to figure out how we'd arrived at the point of talking about a deal for Angelo instead of reviewing Little Pete's lousy performance.
There's no other way to describe why we tolerate the lackadaisical attitude of many of our children and the lousy performance of the schools they attend.
"They've had lousy performance there because they have the wrong products for the market."