If you love hamburgers and french fries, try to make a turkey burger and baked sweet potato wedges.
I loved grilled hamburgers, especially when they're charred real black.
What child doesn't love spaghetti and meatballs, hot dogs, hamburgers, quivery puddings or cakes made from a mix?
Ooh la la, I love hamburgers!
"I love blue hamburgers," 300 preschoolers and first graders shouted in unison, simultaneously spelling the sentence on their fingers in sign language.
"Wimpy was, because he loved hamburgers."
I love hamburgers.
Do-Wah has a huge appetite and loves milkshakes, hamburgers, junk food and all other unhealthy foods.
Growing up in Jacksonville, Fla., Ms. Harris loved hamburgers, singing, studying, bowling.
I love hamburgers, hot dogs, all that stuff - I'd gladly eat it - but she won't let me.