But for this timeless instant, his love was back with him, healing the abyss into which his heart had fallen.
And Wendy Tate wasn't the first woman who'd thought ' her love could heal him.
She thought, he was sure, that love could heal.
Their love had healed the wounds inflicted through the deceptions he had weaved around her.
You'll see - the children's love will heal the rift.
But love could have healed her.
Tadros was asked a similar question and responded, "I think that love can hurt and heal.
"She believed love could heal, fix, mend and make everything fine and good in the end," her son Sean said at her funeral.
He willed his strength into her, as if one man's love could heal his wife.
"It is time to bind the wounds," he said, adding that "love, and not hate, will heal the world."