Poe loved ciphers, puns, riddles, and all manner of puzzles.
Members love trivia and puns.
This was a Dadaist strategy: they loved whimsical visual puns, word-play and allegories.
Like Swift, he loved jokes, puns, and 'bagatelles' of all sorts.
She loved puns: was she indulging in some fun here?
Mr. Borge loves puns, particularly bad ones, and he won't let an opportunity to indulge himself slip by.
We all loved puns except Mother, who didn't get them, and next to my father I was the best in the family.
In a country that loved puns, Bi Peng was well known for his name.
The Japanese also love puns.
What I liked about Norm from the beginning," she added, "was his precision with words, how he seemed to love language and even made puns.