That goal has really rocked the blues, and QPR are putting together some lovely passes.
He was put through by a lovely angled pass from Rooney and passed the ball calmly under Cerny, but the flag had gone up.
Petit took a lovely pass from Kisio and beat him from the right wing.
A lanky, left-sided midfielder, he showed composure, played some lovely left-footed passes and produced one excellent moment of tight dribbling skills when he took three defenders out of the game.
He struck after a lovely aerial pass from Ronaldinho, who stutter-stepped himself free from a Belgian defender on the right flank.
They had come up a small side road to a lovely pass between two valleys and were resting near a farmhouse.
He's a good technical player, who can see and put in some lovely weighted passes and is decent with both feet'.
After missing Sunday's 3-1 defeat in Game 1 of this Patrick Division semifinal series, Lemieux began Tuesday's game with a big body check and many lovely passes.
At one point I had been only an hour or so's walk from an exquisitely lovely pass, shaped like a stretched hammock, called the Lho La.
He has a lovely pass and an outside break.