It includes a lovemaking scene more appropriate for late-night cable viewing, violence, sadism and adult language.
He felt "the episode's mid-section was where it was flabbiest", referring to Gwen's contact with Rhys and the lovemaking scenes.
Furthermore, the lovemaking scene between Parashar and Kapil Sharma is facing censorship.
Early movie industry publicity reports claimed Antonioni would gather 10,000 extras in the desert for the filming of the lovemaking scene, but this never happened.
In a lovemaking scene that occurs after the rape, Brandon finally takes off his shirt.
The lovemaking scenes featured bare backs, cleavage and passionate kissing.
Most of the lovemaking scenes take place out-of-doors, near rivers, in forests, by the sea.
Her moments with Silas, even an explicit lovemaking scene, have no heat.
The association's X rating is apparently because of a suggestive bathtub scene and a lovemaking scene.
Director Carlo Carlei explained "there was a lovemaking scene that included nudity for the married Romeo and Juliet.