Once upon a time there was an underground husband who fled, leaving loving messages of divorce; a poet whose verses didn't even rhyme, whose life was saved by pie-dogs.
So, his wife had given herself up to protect him and left him a loving message to let him know what she couldn't risk telling him.
"Good speed to you, and farewell," cried they all, as, with loving messages to their poor friends, they bore her to the gates.
Are they loving messages or put-downs?
Um, I also sent my young adult children Easter bunnies and the loving message that went with it, uh, was from the bunny.
No gift bestowed that day was so precious to Christie as the joy of carrying this loving message from daughter to mother.
In the letters to her husband, a jealous Mahadev writes the opposite of the loving messages Kamla wants to convey, while faking what her husband has written to her.
Friends papered the students' slim blue lockers with photocopied pictures of them, and stopped by to jot down loving messages.
Using chalk or charcoal, inscribe a loving message, tying it to the gift with reused ribbon or old garden twine.
When Haramis had enfolded Antar's loving message in her heart and the caged King's image had vanished, she found herself back on the summit of the artificial iceberg.