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She smiles at me and I am taken by the lovingness of her expression.
She had to catch her breath against the lovingness in their silvery depths.
But now, with lovingness, he said slowly, "I want to go home, and be with my own people."
When you are loving, that lovingness joins the music of the spheres."
And I think of the sweetness, the lovingness of David.
So much beauty, so much lovingness, all going to waste.
"He had humanness, lovingness, but he also seemed tough and strong," Peters says.
As she nears the end of the task his anger issues subside and he shows a newfound lovingness towards her.
Jan Marsh's biography "Christina Rossetti" brings out this lovingness very fully.
Who but a wise and kindly people could have bequeathed to us a god that so harmoniously blends lordliness and lovingness?
"He talked about his brother's commitment, his lovingness, his caring for other people," Mr. Chapman said.
Indeed upon some occasions, such as a pic-nic or a water-party, their lovingness is even more developed, as we had an opportunity last summer of observing in person.
He contented himself with enjoying her company, her bright humor, her lovingness, and sparring with her in duels of memory and, often, song.
The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.
But then there is her excellence at playing up-front lovingness, faithfulness and generosity, as in the role of Ethel Thayer in the original production of "On Golden Pond."
Gently Debbie laid back not embarrassed at her revealing her nudity to David as the physical appearance of the young man, and his lovingness and gentleness was already effecting her.
The dinner, the talk, the songs, the enviable lovingness of George and Catherine would be a memory, happy, but cut off from her own life as clearly as the fell top was separated from the lake.
Lee has a young daughter who adores her potential stepfather, allowing Mr. Bright to contrast Bundy's playfulness and lovingness with his little family with the strikingly different attitudes he displays toward the other women in his life.
'The Catcher in the Rye' is so full of Holden's cute speech and cute innocence and cute lovingness for his own family that one must be an absolute monster not to like it," Kazin writes.
How busy his thoughts were, as he walked home, in devising pitying excuses for her folly, in referring all her weakness to the sweet lovingness of her nature, in blaming Arthur, with less and less inclination to admit that his conduct might be extenuated too!