"It certainly demonstrates that the river is cleaner than people think if the state is looking for lower Hudson swimming destinations," he said.
Yes, people are swimming in the lower Hudson.
The story was inspired by the real life controversy over quarrying the palisades along the lower Hudson.
"Furthermore, it is one of the largest undisturbed archeological discoveries ever made in the lower Hudson."
Even in the 1980's watchers counted no eagles in many years on the lower Hudson.
These twin forts were intended to protect the lower Hudson from British warships.
The estuarine stretch, the lower Hudson, faced the worst decline and has made the most dramatic recovery.
This spring, so many striped bass have been caught that state environmental officials are considering introducing a fishing license for the lower Hudson.
A mighty view of the lower Hudson dominates the space, making it seem like the setting for an upscale ad.
Fast disappearing on the lower Hudson are shad fisherman who have had their day in the sun.