By contrast, the lower Midwest includes swing states such as Ohio, Missouri, and Iowa, and solidly Republican (until 2008) Indiana.
Noted anomalies were the inclusion, and later even slight extension, into parts of the lower Midwest, particularly southern Indiana and southwestern Ohio.
But the practice remains alive, particularly in rural parts of the South and the lower Midwest, where it is not only legal, but also widely practiced.
Good crops this year in Scandinavia and Canada are expected to compensate for output lost to weather and disease in the lower Midwest.
A few months later, he received a job offer from The Kansas City Star, then the largest newspaper in the lower Midwest.
Southwest, based in Dallas, provides service in the lower Midwest and Sun Belt states.
Wheat fell as traders shrugged off reports of disease ravaging soft red winter wheat crops in the lower Midwest.
Meanwhile, severe to extreme drought developed in the lower Midwest and Ohio Valley as well as the southern and central Rockies.
Members are concentrated in the lower Midwest and parts of the South.
A third system developed on April 18 and brought even more severe weather, this time farther south in the lower Midwest, mainly Missouri.