When he was six years old, the family moved to Kleve, a city on the lower Rhine, where his father worked as a civil servant.
The last true Houting was caught in the lower Rhine in 1940.
He fought on the lower Rhine in 1794 and the middle Rhine in 1795.
Troops stationed here also campaigned on the lower Rhine and in Africa.
The Ijssel, a tributary, breaks off from the lower Rhine just east of the city.
Its total length is 84 km with an average discharge near the mouth into the lower Rhine of 16 m3/s (cubic metres per second).
Peace was thus established on the lower Rhine early in the new archbishop's reign.
However, except for the provinces along the lower Rhine, the agricultural economy was generally doing well.
There they are already established in the region of the lower Rhine.
This information places the Sicambri near the lower Rhine in or near what is now called the Netherlands.