In fact, they often perform better: lower absenteeism, less staff turnover, lower production costs.
These include things such as: job satisfaction, lower absenteeism, and better work turnover.
Engagement also correlates with positive outcomes such as growth, lower costs, and lower absenteeism.
We're even seeing lower absenteeism among the officers on those units.
All that money spent on furniture was more than repaid in higher productivity, lower absenteeism and lower health care costs.
Employers were also almost universally positive, citing better management of time, improved morale, less stress, lower absenteeism and turnover, and environmental benefits.
It concluded that older workers can be retrained in new technologies, have lower absenteeism and are often better salespeople than younger workers.
Productivity was extremely high, absenteeism and shirking extremely low.
Have, along with this, the objectives of higher labour participation and lower absenteeism through illness disappeared?
It also offers a rosy vision of the plan's economic effects, from lower absenteeism and higher productivity to a more motivated society.