Among the companies in the Towers Perrin study, 33 percent asked their employees to pay higher deductibles, while 38 percent imposed lower deductibles or none.
Health savings accounts have lower deductibles and a rollover component so funds are not lost.
But most of them would have policies that require them to pay lower deductibles and smaller co-payments than their current policies.
Extension insurance products (lower deductibles, increased insurance coverage, etc.) are sold in competition with the private sector.
So workers often seek more generous insurance with lower deductibles and broader coverage rather than asking for the money in wages.
An employee is offered a limited, or "preferred," group of physicians and hospitals in return for improved benefits, such as lower deductibles and lower fees.
Why do people prefer low deductibles?
In many cases, policyholders started out with low deductibles because higher ones were not available and are uncomfortable adding risk.
Insurance companies could offer policies with lower deductibles.
Plus we carry low deductibles.