The low, husky drawl startling, but unmistakable-even over the roar of the throbbing dance music.
"It's hard to believe anybody's 10 and 0," Leach said in a low and comfortable drawl.
"Thank you, ma'am," he said in his low, Southern drawl.
'No.' It was a low drawl, almost sleepy.
Sawyer confirmed it in a low drawl as they meandered through the crowd.
David Emmott said in his low pleasant drawl, "Won't you sit down?"
In a low, soft drawl, Manning said no.
Meharry asked in a low drawl.
Over the intercom, Mark's low drawl conveyed the blithe confidence of a stereotypical airline pilot.
"Hi," he said in the low lazy drawl that had so attracted her from the beginning.