It is narrower and set inward from each side of the nave and has lower eaves.
Below the lower eaves are the wall sculptures and below them, the eight moldings.
Under the low eaves of a peat roof, light glimmered past cracks in shutters.
The window was high under the low eaves of the mud building.
Or, you can create low eaves along the rails with little effort.
Bud stepped up on the bunk, which brought his head above the low eaves.
The visitors approached it, therefore, by a small path running round nearly three sides of the house, close under the low eaves.
The wall images of gods are below the lower eaves, followed by six different mouldings of equal size.
The lower eaves is about a meter below the upper eaves.
Below the lower eaves are a panel of Hindu deities in frieze and their attendants.