But because it also plays an important role in skin and bone health, low estrogen creates some health concerns for the postmenopausal woman.
Her lower estrogen levels can lead to osteoporosis, making it more likely to break.
On days of low estrogen, she said, the right side is probably more active.
The low estrogen also makes your bones start to thin at a younger age.
Postmenopause changes are normal signs of low estrogen and typically continue over time.
The effect of low estrogen on increased obesity has been linked to estrogen receptor alpha.
An estrogen test is sometimes done to see how low estrogen has dropped after menopause.
Having relatively low estrogen or high progesterone may interfere with the body's ability to maintain healthy cervical tissue.
Furthermore, the low estrogen will predispose those with the condition to osteoporosis.
Early menopause also increases the risk of osteoporosis because low estrogen leads to bone density loss.