There was a low haze over the flat roofs of the city, and the red air smelled like smoke.
Except for a low haze that hung over the water, the day had dawned cloud-free and blue.
The sky was lightening, but there was a low, light haze of smoke in the air.
Barbados came up out of the haze, long and low on the western horizon, just as Southwick had calculated.
Duncan nodded toward the meadow, where the smoke of campfires hung in a low golden haze.
Flint's warm feeling chilled somewhat when he realized that a low haze hung in the valley where before the air had been impeccably clear.
A low haze over the water partially hides the sun.
New generations of smart film include low haze and colors that include: milky white, gray, and blue.
He looked up and did not see vastness, only the low, thick haze from rain and the battle still erupting.
May 17, 1861 Lutie felt wonderful today even though a low, yellowish haze hung over the meadows, refusing to burn off.