Such low inclinations are inconsistent with attempts to simulate the treefall pattern at the Tunguska site.
The low inclination to the ecliptic suggested to Nakano that the comet could be a short period type.
Near-circular, highly inclined orbits can thus become very eccentric in exchange for lower inclination.
If it rotated in the opposite direction, then two populations would form, one with low inclinations and one with high.
The majority of objects (the so-called 'cold population'), have low inclinations and near-circular orbits.
First, all fission theories place the Moon in an orbit of very low inclination with respect to the Earth's equator.
It also has a lower inclination to the ecliptic than most other large TNOs.
Because of its relatively low inclination (7.34 ), it is able to come close to each of these planets.
For example, a low Earth orbit, with low inclination, will generally be below the inner belt.
It is moving in a retrograde orbit at a very low inclination of just 1.6 from the ecliptic.