The aircraft's autorotation characteristics are poor partly because the rotors have low inertia.
The speed of rotation (around the axis of lowest inertia) is limited to about 1 per million years.
For example, metals have very low thermal inertia.
While light and cheap to manufacture, these mechanisms had low inertia, making motor speed instabilities more pronounced.
Consequently, the building has a very low inertia, avoiding the loss of thermal energy.
The wide range is due to the rarefied atmosphere, which cannot store much solar heat, and the low thermal inertia of the soil.
It is felt that the low polar inertia is crucial in selection of this layout.
Explosion vent construction must balance the contradictory requirements "low inertia" and "high strength".
What Ray and I have done is to create a condition of low inertia.
A high friction coefficient of its surface and a low inertia are essential.