They do not breathe during this time of low metabolism, but can utilize oxygen from the water, which they take in through the cloaca.
They also have a very low metabolism.
I sneaked a look at my medical report; slow heartbeat, low metabolism.
Its low metabolism allows it to live for two years without food.
Troglobites often have very low metabolisms to survive in a low-oxygen environment where food is scarce.
Because of their low metabolisms and sedentary lifestyles, troglobites are able to live longer than other species.
The benefit of a low resting metabolism is that it requires far less fuel to sustain bodily functions.
The areas that show low metabolism may be riding on top of permanent deficits in wider brain circuits, he said.
A consequence of low metabolism is lethargy - mental, physical and emotional.
It has a low metabolism, a high threshold for pain, a great immunity to disease and a remarkable rate of recuperation.