If we allow for a stochastic element in lifetime income, then individuals may respond rather differently, having for example a lower propensity to consume out of windfall or 'entrepreneurial' gains.
Hubs contain a list of unique business keys with low propensity to change.
Thus, this may explain the low propensity of MPA for producing androgenic side effects.
Additionally, relative to haloperidol, it was found to possesses significantly fewer extrapyramidal symptoms and had a much lower propensity for inducing tardive dyskinesia, indicating its atypical nature.
The drug has a relatively well-tolerated side effect profile, with low propensity for QTc interval changes, weight, lipid and glucose-related adverse effects.
Thus, we can see that a lower propensity to save implies a higher multiplier effect and vice-versa.
But some argue that women are sentenced more harshly than men, especially in drug cases, and especially in light of their lower propensity for violence and recidivism.
Higher octane petrol burns slower, therefore it has a lower propensity to auto-ignite and its rate of expansion is lower.
This is caused by the transfer of purchasing power from those with a high propensity to consume to those with a low propensity to consume.
Second, people with higher incomes have a lower marginal propensity to consume their incomes.