The station closed on September 2, 1973, due to low ridership.
The station remained open until 1979, when it was closed again due to low ridership.
By April 1985, the system would shut down due to low ridership.
The city built a light rail line in the early-1990s, but due to low ridership the entire project was abandoned.
The authority has also cut service on many bus lines in the last year because of low ridership.
Despite this, the route was opened for service and closed down in 1938 due to low ridership.
The service was eliminated on September 25, 2011 due to low ridership.
Because of low ridership, transit officials say they have been losing money on those lines.
However, that service was eliminated on February 1, 2010 due to low ridership.
In addition, many reported the no. 40 line had very low ridership.