For most residents life in a communal flat was - and remains - one of the lower rings of purgatory.
But, unfortunately, the lowest ring of eaten bark may be very low indeed.
A program on a lower ring was never allowed to access the pages on a higher ring.
"I'm telling you, your best chance is to move into-" But then that part of the lower ring had been breached.
The mirrors of both lower rings and the Stellar Clock begin to rotate into position.
The lowest ring of weights uses Earth gravity to keep it upright.
The lower ring(s), of which there are usually two, are for a second rein to be attached, and they provide the gag action.
Within seconds, the lower ring was also affected.
Throughout the 1870s vertical cracks developed in the plates of the lowest three rings.
From a few yards away Cassie could also make out a well, its mouth circled by a low ring of stones.