Those with lower self-efficacy can become spectators if not given equal encouragement to participate.
On the other hand, self-efficacy significantly lower than ability discourages growth and skill development.
People become erratic and unpredictable when engaging in a task in which they have low self-efficacy.
A person with a low self-efficacy will attribute the result to poor mathematical ability.
Those with low self-efficacy typically shied away from academic interactions.
In certain circumstances, lower self-efficacy can be helpful.
There is a relationship between low self-efficacy and depression.
It is supposed that peer modeling is particularly effective for students who have low self-efficacy.
This model provides a revised set of antecedents for groupthink, including social identification, salient norms, and low self-efficacy.
Individuals with low self-efficacy tend to develop poorer task strategies than those high on self efficacy.