He golfed a low, outside slider from Yankee starter Wade Taylor high to right.
Tino watched Tino smoke a low slider into the right-field seats in the fifth.
Thigpen threw a called strike, Sax fouled off the second, then he swung and missed at the third, a slider low and away.
The next pitch was a low slider and Maas finally found one he liked and hit it fair.
Maybe Dye will chase a high fastball, or a low slider, whatever is called for.
He threw a low slider, then another fastball that was a strike only because it hit Bonds's bat, then another fastball.
He struck out Brian Jordan on a low 2-2 slider to end the inning, the second time Atlanta left the bases loaded.
He struck out the final two batters, watching B. J. Surhoff swing at a low slider to end the game.
He throws a low 90s fastball and a mid low 80s slider.
He developed a low 80s slider into his repertoire.