The African easterly jet, is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is maximum and easterly.
Furthermore, the wind shear in the lower troposphere was creating a large helicity value conducive to a tornado potential.
During the past decade, it has become clear that much the pollution generated in the boundary level is transported into the lower and middle troposphere.
These measurements will provide information on the very fine scale structure of CO in the lower troposphere.
Nevertheless, the results show fairly constant values of wo, b, and å throughout the lower troposphere, in spite of large variations in ssp.
During this 12-hour period, the cyclone diminished rapidly, mainly in the lower troposphere.
In 1998 the UAH data showed a cooling of 0.05K per decade (at 3.5 km - mid to low troposphere).
In the lower troposphere, the most obvious motion of clouds is toward the center.
The Rossby waves are themselves a different wind speed from what we experience in the lower troposphere.
In the lower troposphere, more moisture (small dew point depression) results in lower cloud bases and is also important to severe thunderstorms.