Dexter started to follow at his heels, but Data held him slightly back and spoke in a low undertone.
Each time he understood a thought, he muttered it to Lubkov in a low undertone.
Putting his arm around Julia, he guided her along while speaking to her in low undertones.
The drone of insects was a constant low undertone.
Worf did not see anyone else in the frame, but he heard the low, throbbing undertone of many voices speaking at once.
She went over to discuss the matter with him in low, urgent undertones.
"Introduce me," he repeated in the same low undertone, then held up the bundle he was carrying.
Whispering swept back through the room, and low undertones of arguments boiled up.
"It must not have been an easy life," he said in a low undertone with a glance at the chill walls that surrounded them.
She could just make out the low undertones of Bobby's rhythmic snores.