I know disillusioned low paid voters that did not vote Labour.
America has the lowest voter turn out rate per capita than any other western country.
He would be one of the lowest voters you could ever imagine coming into office.
The act applies to Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx because of historically low voter participation by minority groups in those boroughs.
We talked about about the fact that the payroll tax deduction plan is aimed at lower and middle-income voters.
Suspend distractions that lower voter turnout.
The low voter and candidate turnout resulted in part from a 1996 state law that stripped the local boards of most of their powers including the removal of superintendents and principals.
Pennington maintained his base among lower and middle-class black voters, but was unable to pick up the support of many voters who had supported candidates defeated in the primary.
The act, under another section, prohibits any jurisdiction, not just those with low voter and registration turnouts, from establishing any impediment to voting, such as literacy tests or poll taxes.
Whatever excuses are offered about low voter turnout and a poisoned atmosphere, the fact remains that the people spoke and rejected liberal programs and projects of the past.