He also directed the 2009 low-budget independent feature Alien Trespass.
It was during this time that Richard Harrison started to show up in more and more low-budget features all over the globe.
The only movie playing was a low-budget feature billed as "Female Trouble."
The measure, which could help low-budget features, is headed for the State Senate.
His short films often won more acclaim than his low-budget features.
For the remainder of his life he appeared - less and less frequently - in obscure, low-budget features.
Mr. Meron described it as "a low-budget feature, under $10 million."
His last outing as director was for another low-budget feature, Trafficking (1999).
His reviews of obscure documentaries and low-budget features predated by 20 years the current enthusiasm for the independent film movement.
A low-budget feature can go well below US$1 million.