UK online centres coordinates a network of 3,800 community partners, who provide free or low-cost access to computers and the internet.
The objective of the project is to develop technology for low-cost routine access to space.
The fee usually also buys a manual, free or low-cost access to later, improved versions and the right to call the publisher if you need help.
The restructuring of the social services in the 1940s aimed primarily at making them universal, i.e. free or low-cost access to all.
Unique Historical Conditions: an innovative firm gains low-cost access to rare resources in a particular time and space.
Most such concepts would require a considerable long-term human presence in space, and/or relatively low-cost access to space.
The facility has served thousands of artists and organizations with low-cost access to analogue and digital technical facilities.
The most important priority should be to have low-cost reliable access to space, and we seem to have no interest in that.
The shuttle was cheaper than Apollo and would allow routine, low-cost access to Earth's orbit.
To conclude, users of electronic commerce need speedy, reliable, secure, low-cost access to goods and services.