Remedial education is not the only low-cost program at colleges.
The company provided $67 million of funding for the project; it was a low-cost program compared to many other programs of similar scale.
The report also asserted that employers, unions and communities have responded to the need for day care with creative, low-cost programs.
There are of course, skeptics who wonder whether camp consultants are as likely to steer families to low-cost programs.
Even a simple, low-cost program to provide clean needles to primitive hospitals might stop many epidemics before they got started.
It was thought to be some kind of reduced low-cost English program.
If you don't want a second pet, why not show your love for animals with a contribution to a low-cost spay-neuter programs?
Workers in the low-cost program will also be able to compare health care providers on the program's Web site, he said.
This is a useful, relatively low-cost program aimed at reducing unwanted pregnancies.
The book describes resources for low-cost programs, student discounts and other money-saving tips.