The company said it had sold more than 50,000 of the low-end systems in the quarter, an increase of 170 percent from a year earlier.
Photobit eventually introduced a 500 frame/s 1.3 megapixel sensor, a device found in many low-end high-speed systems.
Some low-end systems do not have adequate security nor audit trails.
Although they found SupCom was a good game overall, the poor performance on low-end systems was criticized.
Therefore, the user was required to install a compositor, such as Compiz, which could tax performance on low-end systems.
Available on an installable live CD, working on low-end systems.
However, desktop publishing is not challenging by today's standards, and even a very low-end system should be able to play a DVD smoothly.
It was designed as a low-cost microprocessor for low-end systems.
But Digital underscored the new importance of the low-end systems by announcing that the company would create a new service organization to focus on desktop products.
This enables even low-end systems with Internet connectivity to avail the facility to translate the documents from remote locations.