Under the consent decree, a tenant cannot be relocated into a neighborhood where more than 30 percent of the residents are low-income blacks and Hispanic people.
The most significant change in family structure, the studies suggest, has occurred among low-income blacks.
It endorsed the idea of using "black English," the distinct language of many low-income blacks, in the classroom to reach such students.
The President seeks $80 million next year for public health programs to help low-income blacks and other racial minorities.
More and more low-income blacks and Hispanics moved into the newly created slums.
The disparity between the death rates of high-income blacks and low-income blacks has increased.
Unfortunately, these socioeconomic disparities translate into three times higher death rates from heart disease in low-income blacks and whites when compared to their middle-income counterparts.
The hospital specializes in treatment for diabetes, cancer and hypertension, which occur widely among low-income blacks.
But it also signifies the increased isolation and alienation of some low-income blacks in inner cities.
There is no other large group in America which is nearly as segregated, and this is true for both high- and low-income blacks.