We'll also create incubators specifically to help low-income entrepreneurs get off the ground.
For this reason, low-income entrepreneurs, especially women, can rarely access working capital from other than moneylenders, suppliers and pawnbrokers.
He loans 5 percent of his art earnings to low-income entrepreneurs listed on Kiva Microfunds.
Margaret Green, who assists refugees, and Michael Rauenhorst, who helps provide loans to low-income entrepreneurs, were married yesterday.
Grants will be used to provide business-based training and technical assistance to low-income and very low-income entrepreneurs to help them start, operate, or grow a small business.
Grameen America provides loans, savings programs, financial education, and credit establishment to low-income entrepreneurs in the United States.
To increase investment, Mr. Clinton supports a targeted investment tax credit for small and medium-sized businesses and extending loans to low-income entrepreneurs.
Zidisha's lending model breaks new ground by using person-to-person lending to dramatically lower the costs of microfinance for low-income entrepreneurs in developing countries.
During Barry's tenure, the WWB network grew to reach nearly 20 million low-income entrepreneurs.
The Community Development Corporation's micro-grant program, running since January 1997, awards $700 to low-income entrepreneurs who demonstrate an ability to run a simple, home-based business.