More than 85 percent of the beneficiaries were low-income women.
This legislation provided essential economic support for low-income women and children.
Researchers have found that many low-income women on Medicaid smoke while they are pregnant.
Indeed, federal statistics show that low-income women are far more likely to be victims of domestic violence.
"In urban areas, this often means that low-income women have been hurt the most by the lack of providers."
Professor Wilson says the government should increase its support for low-income women who want to go to college.
Title X paid for services to 4.3 million people last year, more than 85 percent of them low-income women.
The technique has also been taught in workshops for low-income women.
You don't have to torture the definition of the word child to give health benefits to low-income women.
Middle- and low-income women have even fewer options to stay home with their children.