Despite the rise in unemployment, people have continued to take out new loans in the last year, thanks largely to low-interest rates and interest-free auto loans.
Yunus began the project in a small town called Jobra, using his own money to deliver small loans at low-interest rates to the rural poor.
Since then, we have received more than 400 complaints involving bait-and-switch advertising, failure to return deposits and reneging on commitments to provide low-interest rates for financing.
There was a real spurt of interest a few months ago, he added, as people were trying to lock in low-interest rates.
Many stocks in other groups that benefit from low-interest rates also advanced yesterday.
The fixed-income business, which was fueled by low-interest rates, is slowing, while the equity market recovery remains uncertain.
To help address that problem, Senator Schumer recently asked Fannie Mae to adjust its eligibility requirements for the company's low-interest rate, low-down-payment Community Lending programs.
Federal loans with subsidized low-interest rates are now restricted to students whose families earn no more than $28,000, a cut-off that excludes many students from middle-income families.
For example, he will finance at low-interest rates any oyster picker to outfit himself with a flat-bottomed bateau and an engine, an investment of about $2,500.
They said it was a great idea for the entertainment company to lock in low-interest rates for a long time.