It is one of many low-key celebrations of German unification taking place across the country these days.
Meanwhile operations continued, with emphasis on more low-key celebrations.
They will mark the occasion with a low-key celebration with family and friends, but that will be it.
The traditional "Scarborough Fair" no longer exists but a number of low-key celebrations take place every September to mark the original event.
It's not clear if he's going to plunge into consumerism, but the painting is a low-key celebration of the contemporary material world.
His low-key celebrations were noteworthy - often he felt the need only to exchange a handshake with other players and showed little exuberance.
Rumour suggested that the relatively low-key celebration of the 1st Anniversary was due to the disappointing performance of the theme park.
The ceremony was intended to be a low-key yet poignant celebration of Suffolk County and its Democratic Party.
This message, more than Israel's presence, is behind the low-key celebrations.
While turning 18 is a milestone occasion, it looks like Nick will be having a relatively low-key celebration.