If the owners return to Judge Sotomayor's Federal courtroom, the low-key nature of the negotiations will come to a crashing end.
The low-key nature of the Dallas mob quickly changed once Civello assumed the reins as boss upon Piranio's death in 1956.
Because of the low-key nature, few consider a no-disqualification match as hardcore, although there is no semantic difference.
The judge also issued several other prohibitions, all ultimately contributing significantly to the low-key nature of the civil trial.
Contrary to Johnson, Bird's low-key nature, as well as his diminishing health and skills, will prevent him from sharing the spotlight.
The apparent laid-back and low-key nature of the Smith pursuit is part of the game.
Neither pairing produced conclusive evidence, such was the low-key nature of United's approach - and Ferguson refused to say which twosome he would go for.
It is not an exciting prospect for many Israelis, and that, too, may explain the low-key nature of the campaign.
I loved the camaraderie with other runners and the low-key nature of it.
The album received mixed reviews, with several complaining the album's low-key moody nature working against the potential of the songs.