While condemning the North Korean action, several countries urged a cautious and low-key response.
Environmental groups, eager to support the administration in the wake of last week's terrorism, had a low-key response.
Divisions within the black community and the canny, low-key response by local government defeated efforts.
The Administration's cautious, low-key response has irritated some members of Congress.
About a third of the respondents said they were less likely to vote for her because of her low-key response.
That may in part explain the low-key response by law enforcement to the ticking time bomb of espionage allegations in the case.
Then, Mr. Dinkins's low-key response to concern over crime threatened to undermine his credibility on all other issues.
One was the President's desire for a low-key but significant response as a warning to Iran.
Webster chose a low-key response, knowing that rookies are wise to let their performance speak for them.
One theory for Pakistan's low-key response is that the fence will make it easier for the country to better control militant groups.