After decades of low-level conflict, Beard paid Heineman $1,000 and gave him two inland lots in exchange for his waterfront perch.
His broad concept of the role of the soldier as encompassing civil affairs, quelling riots and low-level conflict.
In low-level conflicts it can drop to 1:10 (or less).
While there have been many phases to the conflict, the most recent armed clashes ran from 1999 to 2003, with a low-level conflict continuing until 2007.
Their objective, therefore, was to sustain a low-level conflict indefinitely and wait for the other side to walk away.
Such low-level conflict could last years, so small were the expenditures of resources and so different the perceived value of the human lives taken and lost.
Called the Confrontation, this was mainly a low-level conflict fought in the jungles of Borneo.
But he said it was basically "a low-level, localized conflict" with constantly shifting alliances.
War between Croats and Muslims has long looked inevitable; low-level conflict has simmered for months.
While the current political tensions remain, Zimbabwe could be described as a country involved in low-level civil conflict.