After complaints by landowners that rules for developing low-lying forests and other wetlands were too strict, President Bush last summer proposed changes that would make half of the nation's wetlands eligible for development.
They said the new policy was a reversal that would put huge expanses of marshes, low-lying forest and other sensitive land at risk of development.
The human population of the Foja Range is 300, living in the 7,500 square kilometres of low-lying forest.
There were no bridges over the southern parts of the Choctawhatchee River, and what roads existed were merely sand trails crossing miles of low-lying forests.
The section is a particularly good place to look for wildlife; the low-lying deciduous forests are the perfect hideout for deer, moose, and Ruffed Grouse.
Most of the area is low-lying forest of pine and birch, with barren sections facing the Barents Sea.
The tree's typical habitat is low-lying forest along the main rivers, growing in association with oak and ash, where it tolerates summer floods as well as droughts.
The aim of the boisterous Party Weekend is the low-lying forest in a disco "Panorama".
The dam will destroy around 1,760 hectares (17.6 square-kilometer) of about 900 square-kilometer national park of low-lying forest, the best habitat for wildlife, including the tiger.
The Oleaceae are important components of tropical forests ranging from low-lying dry forest to montane Cloud forest.