A series of low-power chips is expected, which, because they do not require big batteries, will enable portable computers to get smaller and lighter.
Toshiba, the world's biggest maker of laptop computers, said the low-power chip would contribute to a battery life of up to 14 hours.
It is a low-power chip which should help with battery life and includes integrated media acceleration hardware and media player software.
A new generation of low-power chips, extending battery life to six hours, will come next year.
It has a 12-megahertz 80C286 processor, a new low-power chip that is among the faster 80286 microprocessors, and it is certainly capable of handling most applications.
Worse, the PowerMate has a 900-megahertz Transmeta Crusoe processor, a low-power, cool-running chip originally designed for laptops.
Green: With a low-power chip and flash memory, an Apple thin client - a network computer - would have no power-hungry optical drive or hard drive.
RFco is one of several start-ups trying to ride that revolution by making low-power chips that can handle all kinds of radio frequencies for data and voice transmission.
Battery-powered portable radios that handle digital tuning will take longer to come to market, Mr. Struble said, because they require low-power chips that are still in development.
The core breakthrough of the R1 is a radically rethought, low-power chip that brings you truly brilliant photographs.