Low-power laptops use low-power processors and graphics chips, and therefore often struggle to play video at full frame rates.
Icera's silicon consists of optimized, low-power processors that can be changed to operate with different radio technologies by changing the software that runs on it.
Such relatively simple and low-power 8086-compatible processors in CMOS are still used in embedded systems.
The current Apple TV is x86-based, using a low-power Celeron-type processor.
Transmeta introduced the low-power processor in 2000, but it has struggled to overcome manufacturing problems.
Integrating IT equipment with low-power processors (yields a 10 percent savings)
They're trying to do low-power processors.
But inside is a special low-power processor that is intended to help the computer appeal to the eco-conscious and frugal.
Processors have gotten lower-power, so that the low-power processors are very cool.
Larry Tesler identified that a powerful, low-power processor was needed for sophisticated graphics manipulation.