Definitely a subordinate, the engineer decided, an assistant or perhaps just a low-ranking soldier of some kind.
The report also described sexual assault which arose between a low-ranking female soldier who recently arrived on the Korean peninsula and an older male officer.
It was enforced not just against low-ranking soldiers, but against officers as well.
Ten low-ranking soldiers who served at the prison outside Baghdad have been convicted.
So at least we can stop scapegoating the loyal low-ranking soldiers and focus our concern on the authors of the policy.
This messenger was just a low-ranking soldier who knew how to ride fast and read the lay of the land.
His own father had died as a low-ranking soldier, and he could remember something very like poverty in his early childhood.
He was a low-ranking soldier, often positioned on the front lines.
Eventually, news of Maria Christina's marriage to this low-ranking soldier became public.
Two low-ranking soldiers have been convicted in court-martial proceedings, though critics say real responsibility for the abuse lies higher up.