There was no low-risk way to do it.
Companies see licensing as a low-risk way to build brand awareness, which can also bring in additional revenue.
If you get enough of these in a portfolio, it turns out to be a very low-risk way of investing.
The glass of wine, especially if it is recommended by the waiter or waitress, is a low-risk way to get to know a wine.
On the market since early this year, it is the first device to give longtime PC users a low-risk way to try that enticing other path.
The deals are a relatively cheap, low-risk way for Mattel and Hasbro to see what the movie business can do for them.
The discovery changes his perspective, boosting his self-confidence enough to make him think that he had a found a new, low-risk way to make money.
Three other fund companies soup up their index funds with option writing, giving investors a low-risk way to play to the movements of the S.&P. 500.
They purport to high moral stance but are merely a low-risk way of bullying the world.
Dr. Martinez called it a "very low-risk way to capture the sector."