The general speed limit is lowered to 50 km/h on all roads in the fog or other low-visibility conditions if visibility is under 50 meters.
This approach led to major delays, and the helicopters were found to be inoperable in low-visibility conditions.
The first system, called vision enhancement, allows a driver to see better in fog, in the dark, in driving rain or in any other low-visibility condition.
For the in-group low-visibility condition part of the anti-hunting participants were taken to individual booths where they were not visible to others in the experiment.
Due to the low-visibility conditions that night, the pilots became disoriented and turned down the wrong taxiway, which led them back towards the active runway they had just arrived on.
They can help reduce your risk of minor accidents, especially in low-visibility conditions.
Since the laser receiver is located at the back of the missile the system is practically immune to jamming but the method can be hampered by very low-visibility atmospheric conditions.
Strobe lights - On aircraft primarily, strobe lights flash a high-intensity burst of white light, to help other pilots recognize the aircraft's position in low-visibility conditions.
After settlement, the Ediz Hook Light was established to guide ships safely by the spit in low-visibility conditions.
This modified C-135 has been fitted with a millimeter wave camera and a radome to test the camera's generation of video images of the forward scene in low-visibility conditions.